Women serve no purpose at all. They're shallow, vapid whores who sleep with assholes with fake tans and huge, veiny muscles that don't look natural at all. They can't even suck dick well. I had my male friend suck my dick once just to see if he could do it better (not gay btw because it was for scientific reasons) and he was better than the girl was.
Women are just useless in general. They bleed every few weeks, bitch and complain about things, and then ask ridiculous hypothetical questions that you can't answer either way without getting fucked over.
So, yeah, instead of trying to explain sports to your girlfriend who are just going to say, "huh?" and leave you for another guy, just fuck them, dump them, and never look back. You'll realize it was the right decision. Trust me.
<a href="http://haxball.appspot.com">http://haxball.appspot.com</a>